Friday 16 January 2009

Here I am.....the journey continues......

Hi there...everyone. This is my first time mind you if my language is not up to your standard.......lagipun english is not my first language and I'm not very good at writing...only good at talking crappy stuffs.

Ni negara ke tiga yg aku berhijrah n duduk.....maksud aku, bekerja.

Skit sebanyak pasal aku....ermhh...kerja kuli...byk berhijrah n travel macam nomad n badwi....

Pernah duk kat Malaysia (various places).....London, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and now back in the UK.
Napa aku pindah UK balik....ermmhh, tough question, but basically, I'm fed up dealing with org timur tengah. Tapi kalau ada org nak try gi sana ok jer.....good experience (duhhhh).

Sampai sini 5th of Jan hari tuh, lepas dua bulan melepak tak kerja.....boring sungguh. A few things to note or events happened earlier this year:

  1. Gaza attack by Israel (hadiah tahun baru yg sungguh menyedihkan)
  2. world econ is still in turmoil, and some people said it will be a gloomier year in 2009.
  3. Europe has already in recession, a really bad one, but alhamdulillah Malaysia still hanging on...belum ada technical recession lagi.
  4. Najib will be PM in March.

maybe i should start the blog with some of my background...aku suka berjalan actually. Adalah a few countries I went to with my beloved wife. I'll elaborate more in my future blog bout the culture, the food of the places that I visited. So there you go....hello people, here I come. Do give your constructive comments if needed be.

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