Thursday, 4 November 2010

Back to hot sweating Malaysia

I'm back in the tropical surroundings of Malaysian climate. On holiday, and at the same time looking for job back here. Yes, I've decided it is time to return, mainly due to family reason rather than sentimental.

One thing that I've learned for sure during my job searching tenor, was that, most of GLCs are not really serious in bringing back Malaysians who are working overseas. They are comfortable with what they have at the moment, and sometimes can even give you empty promises. I wondered, why is this happening in so called corporate giants' management.

The country is all steamed up with the gomen's proposal of escalating it's economy towards a high income nation by 2020. There's a definitely a lot of hard work needs to be done, many barriers for business need to be demolished, favoritism needs to be eradicated in order to enhance entrepreneurship in the country.

We also need to be aware of the competition coming from our neighbouring Asean. They will of course have their own plan to be high income nations in their own right (this exclude S'pore of course, they are in the top 15 countries in the world's highest GDP).

I'll wait and see, and along the way, will try to observe whether I could contribute anything in term of knowledge and experience, although not much, to help the nation achieve this difficult objective.