Sunday, 17 May 2009

Media and newspaper: Political weapon or money making machines

We all live the age of info tech. Info; there are wrong info and there are also right and valuable. Truth should be the ultimate aim of every media, journalist and people like us when reading or observing a media instrument (newspaper, journal, tv, newsline etc). But this very essence of journalism seems to be lacking in the new age of info tech.

For example, in my homecountry, newspaper can simply be the instrument of communicating political propaganda, as oppose to giving the true and fair view of the current situation. Hence, when there's lack or scarcity of truth, people will move to other type of media instrument, say blogs.

But yet, we can't just simply read and believe what being written or told to us, because there's too much lies instead of truth being communicated.And yes friends, seek for the truth, as it remains as the most valuable commodity in the world of info tech which most people are simply too lazy to obtain.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Bullshit banking

  1. Money multiplier, the concept of bank can multiply cash supply in the market. Apa lah bangang punya concept, the flow of money thru the same number of people can create more supply of monies.
  2. Bank as a facilitator of 2 parties, one with deficit cash and another with surplus cash. Hence the credit risk part of lending is being taken care by the bank. Lagi satu concept bangang, instead of reducing the risk they are pricing the risk.
  3. Interest rate being used as an instrument in controlling demand for goods and consumption as well as managing inflation rate. In the first place, if interest rate does not exist, and time value of money is not a concept, we wouldn't be in this mess.
  4. Credibility of a customer being measured by his future income. Full of bullshit, how bout the person being sacked/retrenched, will there be any more future income? In fact, by measuring future income encouraged people to put more and more commitment by making larger loans from bank and this will of course push the price of properties as more and more people eager in buying expensive properties. Supply and demand theory.
  5. Conclusion: Banking system has created an illusion that money is a commodity and there is a price for money, which is determined by interest rate. But please ponder upon it, how can pieces of paper have any value, without gold or precious metal backing to support its value? Is this a plot by the superpowers to ensure prosperity upon their nation, as they already knew that, they are too lazy to produce real goods, but rather have a currency that most of the world population put their belief in and create an indices that can measure the prosperity and strength of their economy as well as managing the confidence of people. There's no real economy in play here, all of it are illusion, and from illusion they created their wealth. Enuff of bullshit banking.